Ahad, 28 Ogos 2011

"Sori lambat sejam."


Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan planet2 dan juga masa, Tuhan langit dan bumi, Tuhan bulan dan matahari, selawat serta salam ke atas rasul junjungan kita Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam juga untuk keluarga baginda dan para sahabat baginda sekaliannya.

Amma ba'd,

Alhamdulillah, lapas 2 bulan barutah ku ada peluang tuk menulis kembali. Sebenarnya peluang atu ada, tapi batah bah mengedit, yatah jadinya inda tepost atu. After rereading my last post tadi, haiyyaa, baru ku perasan, I should've written something every week. But it seems I didn't plan well. So insya Allah, I'm going to try anyway after this. If I fail, nevermind, I still have time to work on it, Insya Allah.

Okay just a short post insya Allah.

Today is actually one of my beloved sisters' birthday! Alhamdulillah Allah still gives her the chance to live her beautiful life today. One of my teachers once had said, "Everytime my birthday comes nearer and nearer, I got totally scared and nervous." We asked him, "Why?" "Because if you read the history most people die on their birthday or maybe a day or two before or after, that's why." Ever since, I didn't get really excited when my birthday arrives. And also I always pray for others when theirs arrives, "May Allah panjangkan dan berkati umur fulan/ah."

Anyway, tadi I was writing a wall post for my sister. I just wanted to post it to her wall on the exact time she was born 20+ years ago so that she'll feel very dihargai and special. But I was quite a bit late. Lebih kurang yg ku tulis was, "Sori lambat sejam."

Then something came to my mind. Dengan manusia mau kau kan supaya exact supaya ia terasa special, but then dgn Allah?? Di waktu solat, kadang2 udah ahir2 barutah kan begeragas kan solat. Kadang di ujung waktu wah. Mana inda jadi solat patuk ayam! Kan masuk waktu lain tia pulang, sedang diri nada apa2 keuzuran, bukan jua ahlul a'zaar. (orang2 yg ada keuzuran, seperti: rih ad-daim, sulusul baul, and aku terlupa yg satu lagi) Dan jua, selepas waktu solat atu tani inda pun cakap, "Oh Allah minta maaf ku banar2, aku terlambat sejam!" tapi dengan jelama tani cakap. Ya Rabbii, apa ni aingteh??? Cemana kan jadi favorite hamba Allah?

Sedangkan jua sudah kana mention dalam salah satu hadith Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam yg lebih kurang mafhumnya, "Antara amalan yg Allah suka dari hambaNya ialah solat di AWAL waktu."

Nah, jadi kalau sudah dengan jelama tani kan mau supaya orang atu sayang kitani dan supaya ia terasa lebih dihargai dan special, kenapa tani inda buat atu terhadap Allah yg mencipta kitani, yg membagi indung tani sekarang ani arah kitani, yang membagi tani udara yg free ani? Mana ada Allah minta bayaran, kecuali yang ia mau supaya tani jadi the best hamba of Allah.

Ya Allah, jahilnya aku! Lalainya kediaku! Maafkan daku wahai Tuhanku. Sentiasalah tunjukkkan aku jalan jika ku dan keluargaku serta sahabat2ku tersilap jalan. Di masa yang sama, aku sangat2 berterima kasih kepadaMu kerana telah mengilhamkan daku fikrah itu, dan mengingatkan daku akan akan kesilapanku ini. Ya Rabb, sungguh ini ku katakan, "TanpaMu siapalah aku. Tiada tuhan yg layak dan berhak disembah melainkan Engkau." Only you, ya Rabb. Only YOU. Please guide me and my family and my friends towards kebaikan. Please guide us towards Tazkiyyah An-Nafs. Guide us towards You. Show us Your way. My Lord, please help us to control ourselves bila mana nafsu menguasai diri. Kadang kalau kan marah atu marah tah tu. Sudah atu pandai menyasal. Aii~

Ah, terlari dari cerita asal sikit. So akhirnya aku inda jadi put that 'Sori lambat sejam.' Coz I want to be on time when I have my beautiful healthy date with Allah. (Please bear in mind, solat is a very healthy exercise when it's done correctly)

Ya Allah... Banyak kan kekurangan kitani? Insya Allah, selagi mana ada masa, selagi atu tani masih lagi berpeluang untuk memperbaiki diri tani. Jangan putus asa. Jangan sampai menyasal di akhirat nanti. Gagal di dunia ani inda papa ni. Jangan tani gagal di akhirat. Atu even keluar aingmata darah sekalipun inda kan dapat mengubah apa2. Scary kan??? Mudahan dipermudahkan urusan tani di dunia dan di akhirat ani. Amiin ya Rabb.

Bah oke lah, amba minta diri daulu ah. Nanti insya Allah update lagi. Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak dan semoga kejumpahan Laylatul Qadr. Now it's 27th of Ramadhan. Na g lama abes Ramadhan. :( Semoga kita dipertemukan lagi dengan Ramadhan di tahun hadapan. Amiin. Okay. I leave you in Allah's care. Jaga diri jaga iman.


Al-Faqeer Ila Rabbiha,
Bayti, Brunei.
2.06 am

1. Pengalaman semata-mata

Sabtu, 11 Jun 2011


Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah.

Semoga sentiasa di dalam rahmat Allah.

Tomorrow I'm going to be sitting for my takhalluf paper on Adab & Balaghah. Scared? Hm, well, not reallly, but there are butterflies in my stomach! Oh, please please please Allah, help me and all those who are going to face any examination tomorrow (and the rest of the days). I hope I can do well. I know I can, with Your Will, of course.

kau mesti berusaha sehabis tenaga dan mesti mesti tawakkal kepada Allah.
Lebih besar usahamu, lebih besar tawakkalmu. Mesti jua kau iringi dengan taqwa.

Oh Allah,
please let me know if I slipped away from Your path accidentally.

With Your Mercy,
please give me a wake up call.
Sometimes I just don't realize.
Sometimes I procrastinate! :S Ee~

I'm just a human.
I'm a weak human.
Without You, I'm really nothing.
I'd rather be hurt now, than to be sorry FOREVER. :S *erk, serammmmmm~*

Oh Aingteh,

Taqwa Aingteh, that's more important. If you want to be a successful person in the whole wide world, follow what Allah has obliged, stay away from what Allah has forbid.

Just try to be in the frame of good deeds ONLY. Let Allah see you within that region ONLY.

Abu Dharr al-Ghifari and Mu'adz bin Jabal relate that the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam said: "Fear Allah wherever you are. Follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will blot it out. And deal with people in a good manner." [Sunan At-Tirmidhi]

Okay, that's it for today. *quite random ey? nevermind that. NERVOUS ATTACKED ME. Now, it's okay already, but still I have those butterflies. Huhu*

P/S i: The reason why I write is because I just saw my M.A (more to M.D actually) in my book of Dee. One of them is that I should write. Huhu, I really really have forgotten about it. But alhamdulillah. I managed to do it today. Insya Allah (If Allah wills) I'm gonna do this every week. Never mind if no one reads it, at least I have my intention to do this for the sake of Allah. Insya Allah, khayr. Kastah jadi baik sama2~

P/S ii: I am also trying not to log in to my Facebook account for the moment. Well, maybe once week should be enough. At least I'm giving manfaat to my brothers and sisters, in agama and also in humanity. Ia termasuk di dalam 10 ciri-ciri individu muslim; Naf'iun li ghayrihi (Berguna untuk orang lain)

Apapun, semoga tani semua beroleh manfaat dari tulisan yang inda seberapa ani. Bittaufiq Wannajah to those who will sit for their exam today, tomorrow, next week, etc. Berusaha and believe that Allah will help you. Jaga solat, jaga makan minum. Okay.

Wassalam :)